Thursday, January 14, 2010

For all who don't know about the New World Order.

This blog is for all who have no idea about this global agenda. No matter where you live on the earth, you, your community and your country are becoming more and more entrapped under the new laws of the new world order. It is a 'big idea, a new world order' as said by President Bush Sr on the 11th of September 1991, ten years to the day before 911,the greatest and most memorable moment in History.
9-11 marked the unveiling and the implementing of stealth laws passed without the knowledge of the people or even congress. Since then, 9 years on we are closer than ever before to the planned global agenda of the coming abyss of hyperinflation, martial law, dollar crash and depression. These people high above us all in a realm of wealth and corrupted power have no heart left- they are lost, evil and corrupt. They control world currencies and so decide which countries will succeed or fail. These people, these families of wealth that interbreed with each other make up the secret echelon of the secret government pyramid that serves evil and lives on the blood of the innocent.
Their whole goal is world domination and depopulation to less than half a billion people. They wish to set up a global cashless society, a Marxist, socialist government that knows all, sees all and owns all. This blog will keep you informed of recent events and educate you with articles and videos that prove the new world order kills.
This blog is linked to my network of blogs , relatable political issues financial advice. Please enjoy them all.

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The New World Order

New World Order is Imminent!