Thursday, January 14, 2010

New World Order FEMA Camps

FEMA- (Federal Emerency Managment Assosiation) is a tyranical system originally set up for natural emergencies but has been extended in it role to include population control, mass imprisonment and has been in preparation for the coming dollar crash. Its expected that civil war and general anarchy will break out soon, even possibly this year as the USA moves into hyperinflation and mass unemployment. Obama has been called 'the greatest gun salesman' as never before has there been such distrust about a president in history.The Americans are preparing to fight for their freedoms. Obama has failed in just a year to truly embark on positive change, instead he has only lied to the public and continued down the road of Geore W Bush. He has spent more money than ALL presidents combined.Please see my 'Impeach-Barack' blog.
Obama has will send another 30,000 troops to Iraq but he is also sending back 200,000troops to the USA making the army 1000,000 strong across the continent. WHY? For national security and population control. Will the US army shoot on its own people? Many would say no, but this army is NOT the US army. They are men and women from all over the world serving the UN. The UN is the globalist 'engine' for the new world order. Their agenda is NOT about peace, but future martial law and tyranical control. Freedoms will dissipate as the laws have been changed by stealth corruption and as soon a Posse Commitatis is gone (law that inhibits government creating a police state with the Army), we can be sure NOTHING will be the same again. Will the dollar crash?Watch This. Is Obama that sick to allow this, SEE THIS.


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