Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CNBC News : Collapse of the dollar and the New World Order is approaching!

Can we get real people? Can we stop with the whole,"its just a conspiracy" excuse and understand we are in serious times? NEVER before in all of history have we been in a time like we are in TODAY! The entire world is heading into hyperinflation and depression and all because "they" want a new world order. They spend up big and blow the dollar to smithereens and decide a new world currency is to happen and so they get away with major FRAUD! Billions of people will be bankrupted and forced to adapt to a new global currency and have to start again.Billions will starve AND BE IMPRISONED!FEMA have just opened their 600 prison camps, Obama has just signed the executive order for MARTIAL LAW! Whole industries will shut down, food prices will soar! Banks ill foreclose! Tent cities will be everywhere! Come on people we need to get real! This is starting- how will you live without cash?

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The New World Order

New World Order is Imminent!